PHYSICS and ASTROPHYSICS -- LARSONIAN Relativity ! Einstein Was WRONG ! The perihelion point in the orbit of the planet Mercury has been observed and precisely measured to ADVANCE at the rate of about 574 seconds of arc per century. About 531 seconds of this advance are attributed via calculations to gravitational perturbations from the other planets (Venus, Earth, Jupiter, etc.). The remaining 43.5 seconds of arc are being used to help "prove" Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity". But the late Physicist Dewey B. Larson achieved results CLOSER (43.35 seconds) to the observed 43.5 seconds than "General Relativity" can (42.9 seconds), by INSTEAD using "SPECIAL Relativity". In one or more of his books, he applied a variation of the LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION on the HIGH ORBITAL SPEED of Mercury. This is also described on page 63 of "THE UNMYSTERIOUS UNIVERSE: An Introduction to D. B. Larson's NEW UNIFIED GENERAL THEORY", by Ronald W. Satz, 1971, which is an EXCELLENT 80-page SUMMARY of Larson's Theory. The technique described in that booklet should be used to calculate the apsidal motion of the binary system "DI HERCULIS", which seems to DISPROVE Einstein's "General Theory of Relativity" by showing an apsidal motion of only 1.05 degrees per century instead of the 4.27 degrees per century predicted by "General Relativity". (See "ASTRONOMY", November 1995, pages 54-59, "Was Einstein Wrong? The Mystery of DI Herculis".) Larson TOTALLY REJECTED "General Relativity" as another MATHEMATICAL FANTASY. He also REJECTED most of "Special Relativity", including the parts about "mass increases" near the speed of light, and the use of the Lorentz Transform on doppler shifts, (Those quasars with red-shifts greater than 1.000 REALLY ARE MOVING FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT, although most of that motion is away from us IN TIME.). In Larson's comprehensive GENERAL UNIFIED Theory of the Physical Universe, there are THREE dimensions of time instead of only one. But two of those dimensions can NOT be measured from our material half of the Physical Universe. The one dimension that we CAN measure is the CLOCK time. At low relative speeds, the values of the other two dimensions are NEGLIGIBLE; but at high speeds, they become significant, and the Lorentz Transformation must be used as a FUDGE FACTOR. [Larson often used the term "COORDINATE TIME" when writing about this.] A WEALTH of Information about the comprehensive GENERAL UNIFIED Theory of the Physical Universe developed by the late Physicist Dewey B. Larson can be found at the web site . Robert E. McElwaine B.S., Physics and Astronomy, UW-EC P.S.: PASS IT ON !